Mid Semester Examination Answers (DYP-ATU -- MCA I - iSEM)

Mid Semester Examination Answers (DYP-ATU -- MCA I - iSEM)

In This Article, We See Answers Of MSE  

In This Article We Provide Question Paper And Answer Key On Following Topics
  • Relational Database Management System
  • Operating System
  • Software Engineering and Project Management
  • Java Programming
  • Computational Mathematics 
This Question And Answers Based On MCA (I sem-I)(DYP-ATU)
This Is Med Semester Examination (MSE), So Only Half Of The Topic Covered In This Question

This Question Paper And Answers Is Based On Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).
Questions Are As Follow (Also Question Paper Include In Answer Key - .pdf):
  • What Are The Problems In File System Data Management? Explain In Detail With Relevant Example.
  • What Is Normalization? Explain Different Types Of Normalization With Example.
  • Explain Diiferent Types Of Constraints In Detail.
  • List And Explain The COmponents Of ER Model.
  • List And Explain Categories Of SQL Command.
  • Write DDL Commands To Preapre Following Table And Apply DML Commands To Manipulate Data Under It, Use ID As Primary Key.(*Table Available In PDF File or Answers)
*Note : This Question Paper Is Based On MCA Syllabus (DYP-ATU - Mid Semester Examination -30M)

This Question Paper And Answers Is Based On Operating System (OS).
Questions Are As Follow (Also Question Paper Include In Answer Key - .pdf):
  • Elaborate Generations Of OPerating System.
  • Explain Monolithic Kernel.
  • Define System Calls And Its Type.
  • Define Real-Time System In Detail.
  • What Is Time Sharing Operating System.
  • Explain Batch Operating System With Suitable Diagram.
*Note : This Question Paper Is Based On MCA Syllabus (DYP-ATU - Mid Semester Examination -30M)

This Question Paper And Answers Is Based On Software Engineering And Project Management (SEPM).
Questions Are As Follow (Also Question Paper Include In Answer Key - .pdf):
  • List Various Development Process Models. Explain Waterfall Model In Detail.
  • What Is Software Process? Explain Project Management Process In Detail.
  • Write A Short Note On Scale And Change.
  • List And Explain The Componenets Of SRS.
  • List And Explain Desirable Characteristics Of An SRS.
  • Define Requirement. Explain Value Of Good SRS.
*Note : This Question Paper Is Based On MCA Syllabus (DYP-ATU - Mid Semester Examination -30M)

This Question Paper And Answers Is Based On Java Programming.
Questions Are As Follow (Also Question Paper Include In Answer Key - .pdf):
  • Exaplain Java Platform Components With Suitable Diagram.
  • Compare C and C++.
  • Wite A Java Program To Demonstrate if_else_if Statement.
  • Enlist and Explain Features Of Java Programming.
  • Explain Java Program Structure With Example.
  • Explain Selection Statements Used In Java Programming Language
*Note : This Question Paper Is Based On MCA Syllabus (DYP-ATU - Mid Semester Examination -30M)

This Question Paper And Answers Is Based On Computational Mathematics.
Questions Are As Follow (Also Question Paper Include In Answer Key - .pdf):
Questions And Answers Currently Not Available
*Note : This Question Paper Is Based On MCA Syllabus (DYP-ATU - Mid Semester Examination -30M)

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