Mastering PHP File Handling: Renaming, Copying, and Deleting Files

Mastering PHP File Handling: Renaming, Copying, and Deleting Files


    In this blog post, we will explore the power of PHP file handling by focusing on three essential file operations: renaming, copying, and deleting files. We'll walk through a practical example that demonstrates how to perform these operations using PHP functions and discuss error handling along the way.

Let's dive into the code:

Explanation of the code:

1. The `renameFile()` function takes two parameters: `$fileName` (current file name) and `$newFileName` (new file name). It uses the `rename()` function to rename the file. If the renaming is successful, it displays a success message; otherwise, it displays an error message.

2. We start by creating a new file named "example.txt" and writing the content "Hello, I am Shubham Sawant" to it using the `fopen()`, `fwrite()`, and `fclose()` functions.

3. Next, we open the file in read mode using `fopen()` and display its content using `fread()` and `filesize()`. This allows us to see the content of the file we just created.

4. We then call the `renameFile()` function to rename the file from "example.txt" to "newFile.txt". The function checks if the renaming is successful and displays an appropriate message.

5. After renaming the file, we use the `copy()` function to copy the renamed file to the "demo/" directory. If the copying process is successful, it displays a success message; otherwise, it displays an error message.

6. Finally, there is commented code that demonstrates how to delete the file using the `unlink()` function. You can uncomment this code if you want to delete the file after it has been copied. It checks if the file deletion is successful and displays the appropriate message.

In this blog post, we've explored the PHP file handling operations of renaming, copying, and deleting files. By leveraging the functions `rename()`, `copy()`, and `unlink()`, you can efficiently manage your files and directories. Remember to implement proper error handling techniques to ensure the smooth execution of these operations. Happy file handling with PHP!

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